The seemingly simple idea of managing bookmarks is surprisingly more nuanced; I have managed to find at least five main types of bookmarking software. In this note I'll cover them. The types are:
Bookmark bar
Social bookmarking
Personal archive
1. Bookmark bar
The simplest and the most widely deployed method of bookmarking is the bookmark bar. It's found in all browsers. In desktop ones it does indeed look like a horizontal bar of bookmarks. On mobile devices it's more like a menu, but I still call it a bookmark bar for the sake of this anthology.
In browser
2. Social bookmarking
Delicious and Pinboard descendants
Descriptions, tags, sharing
If we remove the social aspect from social bookmarking, we are still left with something usable. Such software would be more complex than a bookmark bar, and there is demand for such software. Betula started as such, Shaarli is still like that. I don't think it's worth to make a separate category. It's in the middle between bookmark bar and social bookmarking.
3. Forum
Reddit Digg
Social bookmarking + upvoting + threaded comments + karma + drama
4. Personal archive
Pocket, Instapaper
Littlest accent on metadata
5. Annotation
Hypothesis. Zotero?