
Melanocarpa is a digital garden grown by u/bouncepaw. It is also a sort of online encyclopedia and a wiki; you can make an account and edit hyphae.

Меланокарпацифровой сад, который выращивает u/bouncepaw. Это также онлайн-энциклопедия и вики: можно создать аккаунт и редактировать гифы.

A big portion of this site is my Art, mostly drawings on paper. Take a look! Also, see the Arbres, the biggest texts here, they might be more interesting than the others.

This website is multilingual, i/e the content is written in English and Russian. When choosing a language for writing, choose the one closer to the topic. Thus, when writing about information technologies, you would probably choose English. In the future, I might want to integrate other languages; perhaps, including those I made up by myself, why not. There is no limit.

This wiki's hyphae are backed up in this GitHub repo.

Visit my complementary website that contains my bookmarks! See Now.

Fresh, свежак, freŝa


List of recently published cool stuff. There is more going on Recent changes.

Список недавно опубликованного интересного. В недавних изменениях больше.

  1. Narcissus and Goldmund

  2. Betula — new release, new thoughts

  3. Кола

  4. Завязки

  5. Список желаний

  6. The Sentient Pipes

  7. La Rue B & Analog Nowhere A & As Viagens A

  8. Betula bookmarklet — went into detail

  9. Released Betula 1.2!

  10. Dune (1984) — I'm a film critic now.

  11. Library man

  12. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

  13. Art naming — an essay on how I used to name art and how I do so nowadays. La Rue A below is the first in the new system.

  14. La Rue A — drawing again!

  15. Киберрахиль — наконец-то написал понятное описание моей приватной вики

  16. Новогоднее бдение — моя старая традиция

  17. Now — welcome 2024

  18. Uxn Legoptics — hot! Just imagine that!

  19. December adventure 2023 — boring!

  20. Betula archival

  21. Inktober 2023 — failed!

  22. The mathematician

  23. Качели — стихи!

  24. School of fish, рыба

  25. Agora made more legible

  26. Email archiving

  27. Marmor 23

  28. Me and wiki

  29. Betulopticon

  30. Quadrat 67

  31. Quarrel by Pipes — a short story about Ishmael and Ventosín quarrelling.

  32. Quadrat 66

  33. Поток

  34. Dillo

  35. Агидель — 2019

  36. Ода электрочайникам — 2017

  37. Betula reworded

  38. Now

  39. Quadrat 62, Quadrat 64, Quadrat 65

  40. Marmor 19

  41. Merveilles logo

  42. кола

  43. Самоходный позвоночник

  44. Araneo

  45. Quadrat 60, Quadrat 61

  46. RSS — Great unsubscribing

  47. Now

  48. Inktober 2022/26 Ego — detailed explanation

  49. Conductor

  50. Quadrat 58

  51. Marmor 16 The crazy hedgehog

  52. Marmor 15 The Fishstream

  53. Marmor 13, Marmor 14 Conductor dilogy

  54. Finish it Jam 2023

  55. Marmor 10, Marmor 11, Marmor 12

  56. Transcopyright

  57. Celeste summit

  58. Quadrat 56, Quadrat 57

  59. Marmor 09 slipping

  60. Betula Mascot 2023-02-01

  61. Betula in Agora

  62. Quadrat 54, Quadrat 55

  63. Lost in the Pipes

  64. Mycoverse

  65. Marmor 08

  66. Quadrat 51, Quadrat 53

  67. Marmor 03, Marmor 05

  68. Inktober 2022 finished a little late! 31 black-and-white drawings for your enjoyment.

  69. Betula

See /category/2022, /category/2021, /category/2020, /category/2019, /category/2017 for older publications.

Starting points

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